username:  Peterlie77
club:  Die Wikinger [DW]
real name:  only for members
city:  only for members
country:  Germany
age:  62
myELO:  2137 (with 425 evaluated games)
myELO-Hall of Fame:  place 2
homepage:  --
way of playing:  I´m a computer player! [C]
playing strength:  7 (according to self-evaluation)
member since:  3rd Aug 2008
last time online on:  14th Feb 2025 at 06:44pm
about me:  --

my statistic: 

from 434 finished games:   In the last six month.:
252 x won (58%)    1 (25%) playing the white pieces, 0 (0%) timeouts
151 x drawn (35%)   2 (INF%) playing the white pieces
31 x lost (7%)   0 (0%) playing the white pieces, 0 (0%) timeouts
win rate: 75.5%     time/move: 1.26 days
9 posts  PGN-download  

1st place in the tournament "Winterende"
3rd place in the tournament "960-2024-62-Geburtstagsturnier"
1st place in the tournament "Die Wikinger XIX Finale"
1st place in the tournament "Geburtstagsturnier "
3rd place in the tournament "auf gehts zur Schach WM"
2nd place in the tournament "960-2023-61-Geburtstagsturnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Die Wikinger XVIII - Finale"
1st place in the tournament "Die Wikinger XVIII Quali A"
3rd place in the tournament "Marshall\'s Chess Divan"
1st place in the tournament "April 042021"
1st place in the tournament "960-2021-59- Geburtstagsturnier"
1st place in the tournament "Die 5te Weinverkostung"
1st place in the tournament "HK-960-Pokal # 11"
1st place in the tournament "HK-960-Pokal # 10"
1st place in the tournament "960-2020-58-Geburtstagsturnier"
2nd place in the tournament "960-Osterturnier 2020"
1st place in the tournament "er Geist des guten Weines"
1st place in the tournament "1.960-Sommerturnier 2019"
2nd place in the tournament "960-2019-57-Geburtstagsturnier"
1st place in the tournament "9. HK-960-Pokal"
2nd place in the tournament "960-Adventsturnier 2018"
1st place in the tournament "Weinlese 2010"
2nd place in the tournament "960-2018-56-Geburtstagsturnier"
1st place in the tournament "960-Adventsturnier 2017"
2nd place in the tournament "Andys MySchach-960-Abschiedsturnier 2017"
2nd place in the tournament "960-Blitzpokalturnier 2017"
2nd place in the tournament "Winterturnier 2016"
2nd place in the tournament "6.FC 960-Clubmeisterschaft 2017"
3rd place in the tournament "Blitzpokal 2016 f"
1st place in the tournament "Die Eisenbahner sind wieder da!!"
1st place in the tournament "April April April"
1st place in the tournament "Die Weinlese 2015 Preis eine Kiste bester Weine"
1st place in the tournament "1.MySchach-960-Cup 2015"
3rd place in the tournament "Spiel mit Fallen-Das Budapester Gambit!!!"
1st place in the tournament "5.FC 960-Clubmeisterschaft 2016"
1st place in the tournament "Die Weinlese 2014 m. 50.00 Eu 1.Preis"
1st place in the tournament "960-Adventsturnier 2014"
1st place in the tournament "960-Sommerturnier 2014"
1st place in the tournament "HIGHLAND QUEEN II 2014"
1st place in the tournament "3.FC 960-Clubmeisterschaft 2014"
2nd place in the tournament "Martins Weinlese 2o13 mit 50.00 Euro Preisgteld"
3rd place in the tournament "960-Sommerturnier 2013"
1st place in the tournament "Bobby`s Idee"
1st place in the tournament "960-Fr"
1st place in the tournament "2.FC 960-Clubmeisterschaft 2013"
3rd place in the tournament "960-Herbstturnier 2012"
3rd place in the tournament "Die verr"
2nd place in the tournament "Die magische 69 !"
1st place in the tournament "1.FC 960-Clubturnier 2012"
2nd place in the tournament "100. Geburtstag von Michail Botwinnik"
2nd place in the tournament "1000 Jahre Schachdorf Str"
3rd place in the tournament "Jubi-Turnier 1 Jahr FC 960"
1st place in the tournament "Chess 960 qu"
1st place in the tournament "Albspiele-Chess960"
1st place in the tournament "Spiel-Spa"
1st place in the tournament "3. Chess960/2"
3rd place in the tournament "T960-S06"
1st place in the tournament "Goldener Bauer 2008-2009"
3rd place in the tournament "Herbst 2008"

0 currently running single games (0 Chess960)  
6 currently running tournament games (4 Chess960)  
4 games won (1 Chess960) in the last six month  
1 lost game/s (0 Chess960) in the last six month  
2 drawn (0 Chess960) in the last six month  

3 chessplayers online! Games are being played: 160, Challenges: 1, Halfmoves up to now: 7.782.861
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