username:  alpacino
club:  --
real name:  only for members
city:  only for members
country:  Austria
age:  64
myELO:  1284 (with 1237 evaluated games)
myELO-Hall of Fame:  --
homepage:  --
way of playing:  I play without any technical aid!
playing strength:  no statement! (according to self-evaluation)
member since:  28th Nov 2005
last time online on:  13th Jul 2022 at 11:41am
about me:  alpacino: "ich verliere lieber aufgrund eigener fehler und gewinne aus eigener kraft, deshalb lehne ich jede computerhilfe ab."

my statistic: 

from 1260 finished games:   In the last six month.:
445 x won (35%)    0 (INF%) playing the white pieces, 0 (INF%) timeouts
77 x drawn (6%)   0 (INF%) playing the white pieces
738 x lost (59%)   0 (INF%) playing the white pieces, 0 (INF%) timeouts
win rate: 38%     time/move: 0.32 days

1st place in the tournament "Türkis"
1st place in the tournament "unter uns Nr. 48 (Herbst 2020)"
3rd place in the tournament "Herbst 2018"
1st place in the tournament "unter uns Nr. 42 (Osterturnier)"
3rd place in the tournament "Schach trotz Fu"
2nd place in the tournament "16. HK-Turnier"
3rd place in the tournament "unter uns Nr. 27 (Maiturnier)"
3rd place in the tournament "unter uns Nr. 18"
2nd place in the tournament "1.Badisches Dreik"
3rd place in the tournament "frisch in den Juli"
2nd place in the tournament "3. Clubturnier - B-Finale"
3rd place in the tournament "Verschachert # 4"
1st place in the tournament "Unter uns Nr. 8"
1st place in the tournament "Herbstbeginn"
3rd place in the tournament "Damiano"
3rd place in the tournament "EM 2012"
3rd place in the tournament "unter uns Nr 4"
1st place in the tournament "Kampf gegen die Fr"
2nd place in the tournament "Spa"
2nd place in the tournament "Zidan\'s Sommerturnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Albspiele 10"
3rd place in the tournament "Schachkings Miniturnier"
3rd place in the tournament "OhneEngine vom Fr"
2nd place in the tournament "Albspiele II"
1st place in the tournament "Pfingst -Turnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Sommerturnier myElo 1500 und niedriger"
2nd place in the tournament "Winter-Spezial"
1st place in the tournament "f"
1st place in the tournament "F"
3rd place in the tournament "1.DEKRON-Tunier"
1st place in the tournament "Polnische Er"
1st place in the tournament "f"

0 currently running single games (0 Chess960)  
0 currently running tournament games (0 Chess960)  
0 games won (0 Chess960) in the last six month  
0 lost game/s (0 Chess960) in the last six month  
0 drawn (0 Chess960) in the last six month  

Games are being played: 147, Challenges: 1, Halfmoves up to now: 7.744.889
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