username:  ujack1961
club:  --
real name:  only for members
city:  only for members
country:  Germany
age:  62
myELO:  1714 (with 1960 evaluated games)
myELO-Hall of Fame:  --
homepage:  --
way of playing:  I don´t commit myself to one way of playing!
playing strength:  8 (according to self-evaluation)
member since:  25th Jul 2006
last time online on:  16th Aug 2014 at 01:24pm
about me:  ujack1961: "Bin 1961 geboren. Spiele seit meinen 5-ten Lebensjahr Schach. Seit 1979 Turnier-schach im Verein. Habe eine Behinderung. Mein Verein ist der TSV Tettau."

my statistic: 

from 2013 finished games:   In the last six month.:
1264 x won (63%)    0 (INF%) playing the white pieces, 0 (INF%) timeouts
351 x drawn (17%)   0 (INF%) playing the white pieces
398 x lost (20%)   0 (INF%) playing the white pieces, 0 (INF%) timeouts
win rate: 71.5%     time/move: 0.15 days
15 posts  PGN-download  

2nd place in the tournament "Mal wieder spielen ?"
2nd place in the tournament "Gambitspieler gefragt"
2nd place in the tournament "1700er"
2nd place in the tournament "Ryder-Gambit 2"
3rd place in the tournament "11. Frankenwaldturnier"
3rd place in the tournament "ES kann nur einen geben :-)"
1st place in the tournament "2011 geht es rund!"
1st place in the tournament "Schach dem "Nikolaus II""
1st place in the tournament "Advents-Turnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Vorfreude auf die WM 2010"
3rd place in the tournament "Love, Peace and Harmony 1"
3rd place in the tournament "10. Frankenwaldturnier"
1st place in the tournament "9. Frankenwaldsturnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Eine zentrale Er"
1st place in the tournament "Sommerschach 2009"
1st place in the tournament "10. HK-Turnier"
3rd place in the tournament "°°°°``Der sch"
3rd place in the tournament "33 1/3"
1st place in the tournament "Wolga-/Benkogambit"
1st place in the tournament "8. Frankenwaldturnier"
1st place in the tournament "Vereinsmeisterschaft YUGZ 2008-2009"
2nd place in the tournament "1.) PEPSTEIN - Turnier 2008"
1st place in the tournament "Das Colle System (mit 5.c3)"
1st place in the tournament "Gegen die Herbstdepression"
1st place in the tournament "QGD: Orthodox Verteidigung"
2nd place in the tournament "Zwischendurch mal ein paar eigene Z"
1st place in the tournament "7. Frankenwaldturnier"
3rd place in the tournament "NoEngine03"
3rd place in the tournament "Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit II"
2nd place in the tournament "Selbst spielen bringt den meisten Spa"
1st place in the tournament "Dabei ist alles 3"
1st place in the tournament "6. Frankenwaldturnier"
3rd place in the tournament "Fr"
3rd place in the tournament "FREUNDSCHAFTSTUNIER2"
3rd place in the tournament "Zu Ehren Bobby Fischer!"
1st place in the tournament "Dabei ist alles 2"
2nd place in the tournament "Faires Schach 2"
3rd place in the tournament "Hei"
3rd place in the tournament "5. Frankenwaldturnier"
1st place in the tournament "Schach"
3rd place in the tournament "Wolga Gambit"
2nd place in the tournament "1.DEKRON-Tunier"
2nd place in the tournament "^^Lust, Laune und Spannung am Schach!!!^^"
1st place in the tournament "Scottish Open"
2nd place in the tournament "Skandinavisch"
1st place in the tournament "4. Frankenwaldturnier"
1st place in the tournament "NoEngine01"
2nd place in the tournament "friends 4"
2nd place in the tournament "Benk"
1st place in the tournament "Engine-No Engine,Hauptsache Gaudi."
1st place in the tournament "Carpe Diem"
2nd place in the tournament "Aljechin zum Dessert"
1st place in the tournament "3. Frankenwaldturnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Vereinsmeisterschaft 2007 des Anderssen-Club [AC]"
3rd place in the tournament "Kleinturnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Friends 3"
3rd place in the tournament "Wrixum - Open die III."
3rd place in the tournament "m"
3rd place in the tournament "oktober turnier"
1st place in the tournament "Lettisches Gambit"
1st place in the tournament "2. Frankenwaldturnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Freibier f"
2nd place in the tournament "1. Weltmeisterschaft @"
1st place in the tournament "Frankenwaldturnier"
1st place in the tournament "Spass ohne Computer"
2nd place in the tournament "Kleines Winterturnier!"
3rd place in the tournament "Sizillianisch"
2nd place in the tournament "Holl"
3rd place in the tournament "Dann mal los"
2nd place in the tournament "Wargames-kill the King III"

0 currently running single games (0 Chess960)  
0 currently running tournament games (0 Chess960)  
0 games won (0 Chess960) in the last six month  
0 lost game/s (0 Chess960) in the last six month  
0 drawn (0 Chess960) in the last six month  

2 chessplayers online! Games are being played: 160, Challenges: 1, Halfmoves up to now: 7.743.419
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