This is a list of chess players.
Chess players by vocation The people in this list are men and women who are primarily known as chess players.
- Gerald Abrahams (England, 1907–1980)
- Michael Adams (England, 1971– )
- Simen Agdestein (Norway, 1967– )
- Vladimir Akopian (Armenia, 1971– )
- Semyon Alapin, (Latvia 1856–1923)
- Adolf Albin, (Romania, 1848–1920)
- Alexander Alekhine (Russia, 1892–1946)
- Boris Alterman (Israel, 1970– )
- Friedrich Amelung (Latvia, 1842–1909)
- Viswanathan Anand (India, 1969– )
- Adolf Anderssen (Germany, 1818–1879)
- Ulf Andersson (Sweden, 1951– )
- Konstantin Aseev (Russia, 1960– 2004)
- As-Suli (Abbasid Caliphate, circa 880–946)
- Maurice Ashley (Jamaica, USA, 1966– )
- Yuri Averbakh (Russia, 1922– )
- Zurab Azmaiparashvili (Georgia, 1960– )
- Etienne Bacrot (France, 1983– )
- Gerardo Barbero (Argentina, Hungary, 1961–2001)
- Curt von Bardeleben (Germany, 1861–1924)
- Leonard Barden (England, 1929– )
- Evgeny Bareev (Russia, 1966– )
- Thomas Wilson Barnes (England, 1825–1874)
- Alexander Beliavsky (Ukraine, Slovenia, 1953– )
- Joel Benjamin (USA, 1964– )
- Pal Benko (Hungary, USA, 1928– )
- Hans Berliner (USA, 1929– )
- Ossip Bernstein (Ukraine, France, 1882–1962)
- Istvan Bilek (Hungary, 1932– )
- Henry Bird (England, 1830–1908)
- Arthur Bisguier (USA, 1929– )
- Roy Turnbull Black (USA)
- Joseph Henry Blackburne (England, 1841–1924)
- Ludwig Bledow (Germany, 1795–1846)
- Claude Bloodgood (USA, 1937–2001)
- Samuel Boden, (England, 1826–1882)
- Efim Bogoljubov (Ukraine, Germany 1889–1952)
- Paolo Boi (Italy, 1528–1598)
- Julio Bolbochan (Argentina, 1920–1996)
- Isaac Boleslavsky (Soviet Union, 1919–1977)
- Eero Böök (Finland, 1910–1990)
- Mikhail Botvinnik (Russia, 1911–1995)
- Louis Charles de la Bourdonnais (France, 1795–1840)
- Gyula Breyer (Hungary, 1893–1921)
- David Bronstein (Russia, 1924– )
- Walter Browne (Australia/USA, 1949– )
- Xiangzhi Bu (China, 1985– )
- Henry Thomas Buckle
- Amos Burn (England, 1848–1925)
- Donald Byrne (USA, 1930–1976)
- Robert Byrne (USA, 1928– )
- Elizaveta Ivanovna Bykova (Russia, 1913–1989)
- Esteban Canal (Peru, Italy, 1896–1981)
- José Raúl Capablanca (Cuba, 1888–1942)
- Pietro Carrera (Sicily, 1573–1647)
- Magnus Carlsen (Norway, 1990– )
- Rudolf Charousek (Hungary, 1873–1900)
- Zhu Chen (China, 1976– )
- Irving Chernev (USA, 1900–1981)
- Maia Chiburdanidze (Georgia, USSR, 1961– )
- Mikhail Chigorin (Russia, 1850–1908)
- Larry Christiansen (USA, 1956– )
- John Cochrane (England, 1798–1878)
- Edgard Colle (Belgium, 1897–1932)
- Anya Corke
- Pia Cramling (Sweden, 1963– )
- Andria Dadiani
- Nigel Davies (England, 1960– )
- Nick de Firmian (USA, 1957– )
- Adriaan de Groot (Netherlands, 1914– )
- Arnold Denker (USA, 1914–2005)
- Alexandre Deschapelles (France, 1780–1847)
- Nathan Divinsky
- Sergey Dolmatov (Russia, 1959– )
- "Jan Hein" Donner (Netherlands, 1927–1988)
- Alexey Dreev (Russia, 1969– )
- Serafino Dubois (Italy, 1817–1899)
- Jean Dufresne (Germany, 1829–1893)
- Oldrich Duras (Czechoslovakia, 1882–1957)
- Nana Dzagnidze (Georgia, 1987– )
- Joseph Gallagher (England, Switzerland, 1964– )
- Alisa Galliamova
- Nona Gaprindashvili (Georgia, USSR, 1941– )
- Boris Gelfand (Belarus, USSR, Israel, 1968– )
- Efim Geller (Ukraine, USSR, 1925–1998)
- Kiril Georgiev (Bulgaria, 1965– )
- Ehsan Ghaemmaghami (Iran, 1981– )
- Florin Gheorghiu (Romania, 1944– )
- Ellen E Strong Gilbert (USA)
- Svetozar Gligoric (Yugoslavia, 1923– )
- Harry Golombek (England, 1911–1995)
- Sonja Graf (Germany, Argentina, USA, 1914–1965)
- Gioacchino Greco (Italy, 1600–c.1634)
- Gisela Kahn Gresser (USA, 1906–2000)
- Walter Grimshaw
- Ernst Grünfeld (Austria, 1893–1962)
- Boris Gulko (USSR, USA, 1947–)
- Isidor Gunsberg (Hungary, England, 1854–1930)
- Tunc Hamarat
- William Hanstein (Germany, 1811–1850)
- Pentala Harikrishna (India, 1986– )
- Max Harmonist (Germany, 1864–1907)
- Daniel Harrwitz (Germany, France, 1823–1884)
- William Hartston (England, 1947– )
- Jonny Hector (Sweden, 1964– )
- Vlastimil Hort (Czechoslovakia, Germany, 1944– )
- Israel Horowitz (US, 1907–1973)
- Bernhard Horwitz (Germany, England, 1807–1885)
- Robert Hübner (Germany, 1948– )
- Gata Kamsky (Russia, USA, 1974– )
- Mona May Karff (Palestine, USA, 1914–1998)
- Sergey Karjakin (Ukraine, 1990– )
- Anatoly Karpov (Russia, 1951– )
- Rustam Kasimdzhanov (Uzbekistan, 1979– )
- Garry Kasparov (Russia, 1963– )
- Lubomir Kavalek (Czechoslovakia, US, 1943– )
- Raymond Keene (England, 1948– )
- Paul Keres (Estonia, 1916–1975)
- Alexander Khalifman (Russia, 1966– )
- Lionel Kieseritzky (Poland and Germany, 1806–1853)
- Ernst Klein (England, 1910–1990)
- Janis Klovans (Latvia, 1935– )
- Georges Koltanowski (Belgian and American, 1903–2000)
- Humpy Koneru (India, 1987– )
- Viktor Korchnoi (Russia, Switzerland, 1931– )
- Alexandra Kosteniuk (Russia, 1984– )
- Alexander Kotov (USSR, 1913–1981)
- Vassilios Kotronias (Greece, 1964– )
- Vladimir Kovacevic (Croatia, 1942– )
- Vladimir Kramnik (Russia, 1975– )
- Michal Krasenkow (Poland, 1963– )
- Irina Krush (Ukraine, USSR, USA, 1983– )
- Bojan Kurajica (Yugoslavia, 1947– )
- Kateryna Lahno (Ukraine, 1989– )
- Frank Lamprecht
- Lisa Lane
- Bent Larsen (Denmark, 1935– )
- Edward Lasker (Germany, USA, 1885–1981)
- Emanuel Lasker (Germany, USA, 1868–1941)
- Baron Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa (Prussia, 1818–1899)
- Joel Lautier (France, 1973– )
- Legall de Kermeur (1702–1792)
- Péter Lékó (Hungary, 1979– )
- Giovanni Leonardo (Italy, 1542–1587)
- Alexandre Lesiege (Canada, 1975– )
- Andrei Lilienthal (Hungary, Russia, 1911– )
- John Littlewood (England, 1931– )
- Ljubomir Ljubojevic (Yugoslavia, 1950– )
- William Lombardy (USA, 1937– )
- Ruy López de Segura (Spain, c.1530 – c.1580)
- Johann Löwenthal (Hungary, 1810–1876)
- Luis Ramirez Lucena (Spain, c.1465 – c.1530)
- Geza Maroczy (Hungary, 1870–1951)
- Frank Marshall (USA, 1877–1944)
- James Mason
- Svetlana Matveeva
- Hermanis Matisons (Latvia, 1894–1932)
- Svetlana Matveeva
- Alexander McDonnell (Ireland, 1798–1835)
- Karl Mayet (Germany, 1810–1868)
- Colin McNab (Scotland, 1961– )
- Luke McShane (England, 1984–)
- Henrique Mecking (Brazil, 1952–)
- Susanto Megaranto (Indonesia, 1987–)
- Vera Menchik-Stevenson (Czech Republic, England, 1906–1944)
- Jacques Mieses (Germany, England 1865–1954)
- Vladas Mikenas (Lithuania, 1910–1992)
- Tony Miles (England, 1955–2001)
- Augustus Mongredien (England, 1807–1888)
- Alexander Morozevich (Russia, 1977– )
- Paul Morphy
- Paul Motwani (Scotland, 1962– )
- Anna Muzychuk
- Luděk Pachman (Czechoslovakia, Germany, 1929– )
- Oscar Panno (Argentina, 1935– )
- Vasily Panov (USSR, 1906–1973)
- Mark Paragua (Philippine, 1984– )
- Bruno Parma (Slovenia, 1941– )
- Louis Paulsen (Germany, 1833–1891)
- Jonathan Penrose (Englad, 1933– )
- Tigran Petrosian (Armenia, Georgia, USSR, 1929–1984)
- Vladimirs Petrovs
- Helmut Pfleger (Germany, 1943– )
- François-André Danican Philidor (France, 1726–1795)
- Jeroen Piket (Netherlands, 1969– )
- Harry Nelson Pillsbury (USA, 1872–1906)
- Vasja Pirc (Slovenia, 1907–1980)
- Giulio Polerio (Italy, c.1550–c.1610)
- Judit Polgar (Hungary, 1976– )
- Susan Polgar (Hungary, USA, 1969– )
- Zsófia Polgár (Hungary, Israel, 1974– )
- Ruslan Ponomariov (Ukraine, 1983– )
- Lajos Portisch (Hungary, 1937– )
- C.J.S.Purdy (Australia, 1906–1979)
- Abram Rabinovich (Russia, 1878–1943)
- Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan, 1987– )
- Yuri Razuvayev (Russia, 1945– )
- Hans Ree (Netherlands, 1944– )
- Fred Reinfeld (USA, 1910–1964)
- Samuel Reshevsky (Poland, USA, 1911–1992)
- Richard Réti (Czechoslovakia, 1889–1929)
- Zoltan Ribli (Hungary, 1951– )
- Jules Arnous de Rivière (France, 1830–1905)
- Ian Rogers (Australia, 1960– )
- Michael Rohde (USA, 1959– )
- Nancy Roos
- Laura Ross
- Nicolas Rossolimo (France, USA, 1910–1975)
- Eugène Rousseau (France, c.1810 – c.1870)
- Jonathan Rowson (Scotland)
- Akiba Rubinstein (Poland, 1882–1961)
- Sergei Rublevsky (Russia, 1974– )
- Olga Rubtsova (Russia, 1909–1994)
- Lyudmila Rudenko (Russia, 1904–1986)
- Alexander Rueb
- Pierre St. Amant (France, 1800–1872)
- Valery Salov (Russia, 1964– )
- Jonathan Sarfati (Australia, New Zealand, 1964– )
- Emmanuel Schiffers (Russia, 1850–1904)
- Carl Schlechter (Austria, 1874–1918)
- Yasser Seirawan (Syria, USA, 1960– )
- Alexander Shabalov (Latvia, USA, 1967– )
- Jennifer Shahade
- Leonid Shamkovich (Russian, USA, 1923–2005)
- Alexei Shirov (Latvia, Spain, 1972– )
- Nigel Short (England, 1965– )
- Jackson Showalter (USA, 1860–1935)
- Vasily Smyslov (Russia, 1921– )
- Ivan Sokolov (Yugoslavia, Netherlands, 1968– )
- Andrew Soltis (USA, 1947– )
- Boris Spassky (Russia, France, 1937– )
- Jon Speelman (England, 1956– )
- Rudolf Spielmann (Austria, 1883–1942)
- Kevin Spraggett (Canada, 1954– )
- Gideon Stahlberg (Sweden, 1908–1967)
- Charles Stanley (England,USA 1819–1901)
- Nava Starr (Latvia, Canada, 1949– )
- Howard Staunton (England, 1810–1874)
- Antoaneta Stefanova (Bulgaria, 1979– )
- Leonid Stein (Ukraine, 1934–1973)
- Herman Steiner (USA, 1905–1955)
- Wilhelm Steinitz (Bohemia, USA, 1836–1900)
- Daniel Stellwagen (Netherlands, 1987– )
- Mir Sultan Khan (Pakistan, 1905–1966)
- Emil Sutovsky (Israel, 1977– )
- Evgeny Sveshnikov (Latvia, 1950– )
- Peter Svidler (Russia, 1976– )
- Mark Taimanov (Russia, 1926– )
- Mikhail Tal (Latvia, USSR, 1936– 1992)
- Aston Taminsyah
- Siegbert Tarrasch (Germany, 1862–1934)
- Ksawery Tartakower (Poland, France, 1887–1956)
- Richard Teichmann (Germany, 1868–1925)
- George Alan Thomas
- Jan Timman (Netherlands, 1951– )
- Alexander Tolush (Russia, 1910–1969)
- Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria, 1975– )
- Eugenio Torre (Philipines, 1951– )
- Carlos Torre Repetto (México,1902–1978)
- Karel Traxler (Czechoslovakia, 1866–1936)
- Paul Truong
- Vitaly Tseshkovsky (Russia, 1944– )
- Theodore Tylor (England, 1900–1968)
- Daniel Yanofsky (Poland, Canada, 1925–2000)
- Frederick Yates (England, 1884–1932)
- Jiangchuan Ye (China, 1960– )
- Alex Yermolinsky (USA, 1958– )
- Leonid Yudasin (USSR, Israel, 1959– )
- Xu Yuhua
- Leonid Yurtaev (Kyrgyzstan, 1959– )
- Artur Yusupov (Russia, Germany, 1960– )
Famous people who were/are avid chess players The people in this list are famous in other areas of activity, but are known to have played chess or maintain a current interest in chess.
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