username:  nordlicht
club:  --
real name:  only for members
city:  only for members
country:  Germany
age:  74
myELO:  1946 (with 279 evaluated games)
myELO-Hall of Fame:  --
way of playing:  I play without any technical aid!
playing strength:  5 (according to self-evaluation)
member since:  6th Nov 2003
last time online on:  6th Feb 2010 at 05:33pm
about me:  nordlicht: "bin 58 jahre alt, arbeite in der baubrange.
fernschach spiele ich ohne unterbrechung seit 1978, ist schlicht und einfach mein hobby

my statistic: 

from 283 finished games:   In the last six month.:
190 x won (67%)    0 (INF%) playing the white pieces, 0 (INF%) timeouts
46 x drawn (16%)   0 (INF%) playing the white pieces
47 x lost (17%)   0 (INF%) playing the white pieces, 0 (INF%) timeouts
win rate: 75%     time/move: 0.91 days
9 posts  PGN-download  

3rd place in the tournament "November-Open (4)"
3rd place in the tournament "Juni-Open (3)"
3rd place in the tournament "Wanderpokal 2007"
1st place in the tournament "Abtausch Variante"
1st place in the tournament "Alapin 2007"
2nd place in the tournament "Saragossa 1. c3"
2nd place in the tournament "oktober turnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Stauton 2007"
2nd place in the tournament "Wanderpokal November 2006 -"
1st place in the tournament "Zum tot von Tupac Shakura"
1st place in the tournament "Ryder Gambit"
1st place in the tournament "Jahresabschlussturnier"
3rd place in the tournament "katalanisch: offen"
1st place in the tournament "The Early Bird- der schnelle Vogel Turnier ;o)"
1st place in the tournament "Sizillianisches Schaltjahr Champions-Turnier"
2nd place in the tournament "Einfach nur so- Die Dritte..."
2nd place in the tournament "Kleines Blitz-Turnier"
1st place in the tournament "einfach nur so ..."
1st place in the tournament "Schach Wittow1"

0 currently running single games (0 Chess960)  
0 currently running tournament games (0 Chess960) show page No [1]  (max 20 games per page)
No./begin  game  white  black  last move  report  to move  board  
0 games won (0 Chess960) in the last six month  
0 lost game/s (0 Chess960) in the last six month  
0 drawn (0 Chess960) in the last six month  

Games are being played: 134, Challenges: 2, Halfmoves up to now: 7.745.894
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