username:  jeremyt
club:  Die Wikinger [DW]
real name:  only for members
city:  only for members
country:  Germany
age:  69
myELO:  2117 (with 920 evaluated games)
myELO-Hall of Fame:  place 3
homepage:  --
way of playing:  I play without any technical aid!
playing strength:  7 (according to self-evaluation)
member since:  2nd Oct 2006
last time online on:  20th Sep 2024 at 08:37pm
about me:  jeremyt: "Wenn ich gegen Computer spielen moechte, dann brauche ich nicht Fernschach zu spielen. Als Operator fuer einen Siliziumhaufen bin ich mir zu schade. Dazu liebe ich das Schachspiel zu sehr, um mich zu betrügen!"

my statistic: 

from 1030 finished games:   In the last six month.:
777 x won (75%)    2 (100%) playing the white pieces, 0 (0%) timeouts
197 x drawn (19%)   2 (INF%) playing the white pieces
56 x lost (5%)   1 (33%) playing the white pieces, 1 (33%) timeouts
win rate: 84.5%     time/move: 0.68 days
17 posts  PGN-download  

3rd place in the tournament "Summer in the City"
3rd place in the tournament "Die Wikinger XIX Finale"
1st place in the tournament "Pflaumenzeit II"
1st place in the tournament "Schach dem Osterhasen XI"
1st place in the tournament "Herbst 2022"
1st place in the tournament "Die Wikinger XIX - Qualifikation"
1st place in the tournament "auf gehts zur Schach WM - Teil 2"
1st place in the tournament "In Memoriam lotchi II"
1st place in the tournament "Frühlingserwachen"
2nd place in the tournament "Alberto Giacometti - Schweizer Künstler"
2nd place in the tournament "Kampf dem Omikron"
3rd place in the tournament "Die Wikinger XVII"
2nd place in the tournament "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
1st place in the tournament "Schach dem Nikolaus VII"
1st place in the tournament "Fröhliches Kranzfest 2020"
3rd place in the tournament "Grünfeld zum Angewöhnen"
3rd place in the tournament "Winteranfang 2017"
1st place in the tournament "ELG Meisterschaft 2018"
3rd place in the tournament "Die Weinlese 2017"
1st place in the tournament "Spring 2017"
3rd place in the tournament "F"
1st place in the tournament "Winter 2017"
1st place in the tournament "Schach im Mittelalter: Tugend der Ritter"
3rd place in the tournament "Winterturnier 2016"
3rd place in the tournament "Bremer Schl"
2nd place in the tournament "Neujahr 2015"
1st place in the tournament "Mal raus aus der Routine"
1st place in the tournament "4. HSF-Clubturnier - A-Finale"
1st place in the tournament "HSF- Clubmeisterschaft 2013/14, Gruppe A"
1st place in the tournament "K"
1st place in the tournament "3. HSF-Clubturnier - A-Finale"
1st place in the tournament "3. HSF-Clubturnier 2012/13; Gruppe A"
1st place in the tournament "Ein neues Thema f"
1st place in the tournament "2.Clubmeisterschaft 2011/12- A-Finale"
3rd place in the tournament "Achtung: Maschinen gegeneinander!!!"
1st place in the tournament "100. Geburtstag von Michail Botwinnik"
1st place in the tournament "Gute Besserung 2"
1st place in the tournament "2. HSF-Clubmeisterschaft 2011/12; Gruppe A"
1st place in the tournament "Der HSF feiert Geburtstag-feiert dabei gern mit!"
1st place in the tournament "Clubturnier HSF, Endrunde A"
1st place in the tournament "160 Jahre Turnierschach - London 1851"
1st place in the tournament "1. Norderstedter DENK MAL Open 2010"
1st place in the tournament "1. HSF-Clubmeisterschaft, Vorrunde Gruppe B"
1st place in the tournament "Das h"
2nd place in the tournament "Der T"
1st place in the tournament "rgHD"
1st place in the tournament "Kasparov is back-Turnier"
1st place in the tournament "R"
2nd place in the tournament "Arthur Conan Doyle"
2nd place in the tournament "Fruehjahr 2009"
1st place in the tournament "Skandinavisch 2009"
1st place in the tournament "mySchachR6 (1510-1850)"
1st place in the tournament "Austrian Open"
1st place in the tournament "1. Deutsche Fernschach-Einzelspielerliga (Gr.S4G5)"
1st place in the tournament "FREUNDSCHAFTSTUNIER2"
1st place in the tournament "Hobby-Schach"
1st place in the tournament "Alapin 2007"

0 currently running single games (0 Chess960)  
4 currently running tournament games (0 Chess960)  
2 games won (0 Chess960) in the last six month  
1 lost game/s (0 Chess960) in the last six month  
2 drawn (0 Chess960) in the last six month  

Games are being played: 134, Challenges: 2, Halfmoves up to now: 7.745.894
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