Perpetual check[ edit ]

In the game of chess, perpetual check is a special case of draw by threefold repetition, in which one player forces the repetition by a series of checks.

In the diagram on the right, from Unzicker-Averbakh, Stockholm 1952, with Black to play, it is clear that Black must give up one of his rooks for White´s c-pawn. He can, however, exploit the weakness of White´s king-side pawn structure with 1... Rxc7! 2. Qxc7 Ng4! 3. hxg4 Qf2+ salvaging a draw by threefold repetition with checks on h4 and f2. (See algebraic chess notation.)

A draw by perpetual check used to be in the rules of chess. However, it has been removed because perpetual check will eventually result in a draw by either
threefold repetition or the fifty move rule. Also, if a player intends to draw the game in such a manner, the players usually agree to a draw.

Perpetual check can also occur in other chess-like games, although the rules relating to it may be different. For example, giving perpetual check is not allowed in shogi.

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