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18-05-14, 05:49pm
(posts: 155)
subject: If any of your chessmen...

"are caught or killed the secretary of this site will disavow all knowledge of your actions. This message will self d"


club: DW
18-05-14, 12:29pm
(posts: 131)
subject: Mannschaftsturnier der letzen Mohikan3er

"Wäre Super wenn du das dann auch als Mannschaftsturnier ausgeschrieben hättest. Kannst ja nochmal ausschreiben"



18-05-28, 02:48pm
(posts: 103)

comment on article
Mannschaftsturnier der letzen Mohikan3er from Seneca
subject: Re: Mannschaftsturnier der letzen Mohikan3er

"lieber Freund seneca .Da ist was schiefgelaufen. mein Präses sollte die Ausschreibung vornehmen
Er meldete sich aber selber an.So folgten ihm alle weiteren Einzelspieler.
Lassen wir das Turnier so laufen.Ich werde später natürlich ein echtes vierer Mannschaftsturnier
auf die Schienen bringen.
freundliche Grüße Martin"


club: DW

18-04-23, 10:32pm
(posts: 91)
subject: Knight

"Weiß jemand etwas von Knight ? So lange nicht mehr online, trotz offener Spiele "


club: DW

18-04-15, 08:14pm
(posts: 235)
subject: Spieler

"Moin, weiß jemand, was mit dem Spieler Knight ist?
Gruß vom Hobbykegler"


18-04-01, 06:29pm
(posts: 155)
subject: Would you play on a game site without a resign button?

"Ja or Nein?"


18-04-01, 06:30pm
(posts: 155)

comment on article
Would you play on a game site without a resign button? from iamnothere
subject: Re: Would you play on a game site without a resign button?

"Ja is my vote"



18-04-14, 07:53pm
(posts: 23)

comment on comment
Re: Would you play on a game site without a resign button? from iamnothere
subject: Re: Would you play on a game site without a resign button?

"Really wish you were not here."


18-03-30, 01:12am
(posts: 155)
subject: Daily Chess World Championship

"first joiner will be paired and instructed asap.

Thanks and best wishes."


18-03-30, 06:18pm
(posts: 155)

comment on article
Daily Chess World Championship from iamnothere
subject: Re: Daily Chess World Championship

"please don"t make represent this site :)"


18-04-05, 05:08pm
(posts: 155)

comment on article
Daily Chess World Championship from iamnothere
subject: Re: Daily Chess World Championship

"I will give this site until the end of April to name a combatant. 8 are in so far. Thanx."


18-04-10, 04:09pm
(posts: 155)

comment on comment
Re: Daily Chess World Championship from iamnothere
subject: Re: Re: Daily Chess World Championship

"I have decided to bypass this site."


18-06-05, 07:52pm
(posts: 155)

comment on article
Daily Chess World Championship from iamnothere
subject: Re: Daily Chess World Championship

"splinter of has obtained global supremacy"


18-03-03, 11:52am
(posts: 13)
subject: interesantes Spiel wa

comment on game faustballer against Funktrack@ [1-0] opened on 18-02-28
move: 32. Ne2 Nb6



na den Mahlzeit und guten Appetit.
bis später Achim"


18-03-02, 07:51pm
(posts: 13)
subject: unser Duell

comment on game faustballer against Funktrack@ [1-0] opened on 18-02-28
move: 22. exf4 Bxf4



sorri lbr Dieter,
bekomme gleich Besuch von Gerd Gob.
Machen dann Morgen Weiter.

Gruß Achim"


18-03-02, 05:09pm
(posts: 155)
subject: I Don't Think People Should Be...

"posting games for others to comment on unless/until the game is finished. I also ask everyone to not comment on games in progress. Thank you very much."


18-03-04, 04:18pm
(posts: 155)

comment on article
I Don't Think People Should Be... from iamnothere
subject: Re: I Don't Think People Should Be...

"Sorry everyone. I have jumped to a false conclusion regarding posted games here. Please disregard my previous comment on this subject. I also request the site Gods to remove both these posts when they feel it necessary to. Thank you everyone."


18-03-02, 02:57pm
(posts: 13)
subject: unser Duell

comment on game faustballer against Funktrack@ [1-0] opened on 18-02-28
move: 6. Nf3 h6



gd lbr Dieter ...
gleich Kaffeepause
aber danach geht s zur Sache!!!Achim"


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