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07-07-07, 01:31pm
(posts: 13)
subject: I am looking for a game

"I am looking for an opponent to play a game with any takers?



07-07-17, 02:56am
(posts: 6)

comment on article
I am looking for a game from Bagheri@
subject: Re: I am looking for a game

"Pretending to be a GM on this site as well... boring....."


07-07-20, 04:34am
(posts: 6)

comment on article
I am looking for a game from Bagheri@
subject: Re: I am looking for a game

"Interesting, a png of something available on the net, so if someone produces a png /gif or jpg of Karpov"s credentials then that person is Karpov, wow.. Maybe I will attach a picture of Elvis..."



07-07-20, 11:17am
(posts: 13)

comment on comment
Re: I am looking for a game from anyone4chess@
subject: Re: Re: I am looking for a game

"Lieber Matthias, Ich muß appologize für anyone4chess Verhalten, kürzlich ich bin gewesen das Ziel einiger Angriffe von der verschiedenen Person betreffend ist meine Identität. Diese Person ist nur hier, meinen Namen in Angriff zu nehmen und der Wunsch zum Haben dieses Mitglied mutted Respekt Amir Bagheri



07-07-20, 02:56pm
(posts: 6)

comment on comment
Re: Re: I am looking for a game from Bagheri@
subject: Re: Re: Re: I am looking for a game

"Well, thank you for apologizing for me, and thank you for that pleasant email you sent me, hey, you know where I am , I am waiting…………"


07-07-20, 05:14pm
(posts: 6)

comment on comment
Re: Re: I am looking for a game from Bagheri@
subject: Re: Re: Re: I am looking for a game

"As I said, you are at liberty to take any action you want, I have no intension of changing my opinion, so take your best shot….. "


07-08-11, 06:32pm
(posts: 6)

comment on article
I am looking for a game from Bagheri@
subject: Re: I am looking for a game

"Hows it going? you seem to be disappearing all other the web?

I always liked the song, the best is yet to come.

Sorry, I am not available for a game, busy, you know how it is...."


07-08-19, 05:59am
(posts: 6)

comment on article
I am looking for a game from Bagheri@
subject: Re: I am looking for a game

"I see you have found another website to pay your bills and host your website, a sucker born every minute, whats the going price for a fake GM these days?

Oh, the action you said you were going to take, I am still waiting, or does it take little more time to become a fake lawyer?



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